Discharge Summary Template

Most Responsible Diagnosis

​The one diagnosis responsible for the longest portion of the length of stay and impacts care and treatment of the patient

Diagnoses for this Visit

​Any diagnosis in addition to the MRDx that exists before or on admission and impacts length of stay, care and treatment of the patient

Admitting Diagnoses

Chronic Problems

​Other diagnoses that are important to communicate for continuity of care and do not impact current patient stay


​Operative and nonoperative procedures performed that contribute to hospital course

Flagged Interventions

​If the following interventions listed below were performed, they must be documented

​Cell Saver
​Endoscopic Percutaneous
​Central Lines
​Feeding Tube
​Heart Resuscitation
​Invasive Mechanical Ventilation

Advance Care Plan

​Indicate the status of the patient with respect to the desire for resuscitation

Names of Relevant Specialists

​Physicians that provide advice and/or treatment regarding the patient's condition


​Identify known allergies of the patient


​Details of discharge medications including reasons for giving or altering medications, frequency, dosage and proposed length of treatment

Post Discharge Follow-up

​Instructions and specific plans after discharge including follow-up appointments with physicians and any further outpatient investigations

Discharge Disposition

​The location where the patient was discharged to (home, nursing home, transferred to another facility) or the status of the patient on discharge

Hospital Course and Significant Findings

​Brief summary of the management of each active medical problems during admission

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